When students enter the high school they are split into two ensembles during the concert performance season based on grade level. The 11th and 12th grade band students participate in the Symphonic Band. The Symphonic Band meets on a daily basis and is comprised of students that have successfully completed at least five years of band. The Symphonic Band performs at the high school holiday, winter, and spring concerts.
In addition to these performances the Symphonic Band gets the opportunity to perform at the MSBOA District XI Band and Orchestra festival in late February/early March where the band is critiqued on their performance and given a rating from 1 to 5, 1 being the highest.
Students also have the option of performing at the District XI MSBOA Solo and Ensemble Festival in early February. At this festival students are given the opportunity to perform up to three events, either a solo or an ensemble (two or more players.) Students will be critiqued by a judge and given a rating from 1-5, 1 being the highest rating. If a student receives a 1 rating at district festival they are invited to the MSBOA State Solo and Ensemble Festival in March. Students taking a solo to state festival are given proficiency tests consisting of scales and sight reading based on grade level.
The high school concert uniform consists of a black concert dress with black shoes for women and a black tuxedo for men – both of which are provided. The men are also required to wear a white dress shirt, black socks, and black shoes. Bow ties and pearls are provided to the students at each concert.
Parents are encouraged to attend any or all of these events to support their children and the Mattawan Bands.