(Parent communication sent on 12/2/19)
Century Resource Fundraiser – Order Pickup
The orders from our Century Resources fundraiser will be delivered on Thursday, December 5, 2019 and will be available for pickup in the high school new band room starting after school until 7:00PM.
- Please park in the student parking lot of the high school and enter the band room from the back of the school.
- Each student’s order comes in individually packaged boxes which makes for a quick process.
- Students will NOT have the option to take their order home on the bus, so you must make arrangements to pick up your items after school on Thursday as some items require refrigeration and we will not any way to
- store your orders.
- Please pickup your orders promptly so the HS band room is cleared for class the next morning.
All order payments are due by December 18!
- If you have already collected the money for your order, you may bring that to delivery to pay your order in full.
- You may also bring funds to the 6th grade concert on Wednesday, December 11th. Volunteers will be available starting at 6:00PM until after the concert concludes in the high school lobby.
- In addition, a date will be specified for sending funds to school with your child. Please do not send funds to school until that date is set. All fundraising funds will be due before Winter Break.
- Prizes will be handed out to your students the week of December 16 when their order is fully paid.
Volunteers needed
We are in need of volunteers to help unload the delivery as well as help during the pick up hours. If you can assist, please click here to sign up.
We thank you in advance for your help and for all the selling that was done to make this fundraiser a success.