From: Beth Jonker <>
Date: Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 3:13 PM
Subject: 7th Grade Band – Upcoming Events!
Date: Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 3:13 PM
Subject: 7th Grade Band – Upcoming Events!
Hello, 7th Grade Band Parents!
All of our students are doing a terrific job preparing for our next concert on Wednesday, February 12th at 7pm in the HS Auditorium!
After a great deal of careful thought, consideration and consultation with administration and area directors, we have decided not to have the 7th grade band participate in the MSBOA District Band Festival this year. There are several concerns and potential obstacles related to school-day scheduling, transportation to an away site since we are not allowed to host this year, and an overall strong desire to give our students the very best positive experiences that we can.
We have instead planned a double rehearsal session with a professional clinician during our double rehearsal on Friday, February 7th to help us work on final preparations and polish for our Wednesday, February 12th concert! We look forward to making great musical strides as well as celebrating the success of our students during this experience!
Details for Friday, February 7th Guest Clinician Workshop
Location– MS Band Room
When: During 4th hour and 5th hour band classes
Uniform: We will give each student a new blue band shirt to wear for this date for a spirited event!
Refreshments: Please send in cookies to share with the students as a special treat on this day!
Details for the February Concert
Wednesday, February 12th – MHS Auditorium
7th grade band:
Arrival: 6:30 pm – students meet in the band room
Performance: 7:00 pm
Uniform: Blue band polo, black dress pants or long black skirt, black socks, black dress shoes
Refreshments will be held in the cafeteria after the 8th grade band performance. Please bring cookies or other desserts to share.
Solo and Ensemble
Following our February 12th concert, our students will then switch into a unit of solo and ensemble experiences. Those who are interested can also sign up for MSBOA District Solo and Ensemble to be held on Saturday, April 18th at Mendon MS/HS. This is a tremendous optional opportunity for our students to perform as soloists or in small groups for a professional judge to receive feedback as well as a potential blue or red medal. This has been a terrific way to build friendships and share our love of music with the other students in band! I have attached the application materials to this email. Our deadline for submission is Wednesday, February 5th.
We appreciate your continued enthusiastic support of our students and all that they strive to pursue throughout the course of this year! As always, please contact us with any questions!
Beth A. Jonker
Mattawan Band Director
Mattawan Consolidated Schools
(269) 668-3361 Ex 1463