Welcome to Mattawan Bands!

The Mattawan Consolidated School instrumental music program is comprised of grades six through twelve and consists of approximately 450 students between the Middle School and High School band programs. Middle School ensembles include the Sixth Grade Band, Seventh Grade Band, and the Eighth Grade Band. High School ensembles include the Marching Band, 9th and 10th Grade Concert Band, 11th and 12th Grade Symphonic Band, as well as winter colorguard and drumlines. The bands are directed by Mr. Bill Boswell and Mrs. Beth Jonker.


Volunteers Needed!

Calendar of Events

Click on bottom right to add our calendar to yours.

Important Parent information

Essential HS Band communication tools:

  • Like our Facebook page for updates & behind the scenes pictures.
  • Mark mattawanbandboosters@gmail.com as a trusted email source to avoid missing critical Band Booster communications.
  • Not getting emails from directors or boosters?  Please contact your school office to verify/update your email address.
  • In our Calendar of Events, click on +Google Calendar on lower right corner to add our band calendar to yours.  No manual entry necessary.

Band Fee

Find out what your band fees cover and why it’s important to our band program!

Please click on a button below to complete your band fee online payment form.  You will have the option to:

  1. Use student account balance AND/OR
  2. Pay online via Mattawan Bands PayPal account (no PayPal account needed, credit/debit cards are accepted) OR
  3. Complete the form and mail-in your check payable to “Mattawan Band Boosters” with student name on memo line.  Mail to: Mattawan Band Boosters, PO Box 27, Mattawan, MI 49071.

Student Account Balance

If your student participated in a Band Fundraiser, find out your student account credit balance here.


    Middle School Practice Reports

    Download practice reports here.


    The Band Boosters offer our band families several continuous fund raising opportunities throughout the year where the proceeds go directly into your students’ accounts and may be used for band fees and future group trips.

    • Scrip: Shop with gift cards in everyday categories including groceries, gas, restaurants and more and a percentage goes directly to your student account.
    • Amazon Smile:  Shop on AmazonSmile / or your Amazon mobile app (AmazonSmile must be turned on) and select Mattawan Band Boosters, Inc. as recipient.
    • Legacy Walk: Personalized engraved bricks to support Mattawan Bands Uniform fund.